ღ ♡ Borchia Mens Jeans ♡ ღ
Slink Mens Physique - Classic Avatars
Borchia (Boss in Italian) is a relaxed pair of denim jeans, with a black leather wallet in the back pocket with connected chain.
Set includes the 5 standard sizes, and alpha mask included for classic avatars. Tested on the above named mesh avatars. Materials enabled, (Client settings and video card dependent) Four colors to choose from. Fatpack shown here.
This hand made clutch is made with the finest materials, beaded and crystal finish with rhinestones that will add glitter & dazzle to
all your festivities. Natural sparkle effects without the use of scripts (video card and client software dependent). Available in 14 colors.
Matching stilettos available separately.
ღ ♡ Crystal Frenzy Stilettos ♡ ღ
For Slink AE High - Belleza - Maitreya
These classically styled stilettos are non-rigged mesh, hand made with the finest materials, beaded/crystal finish with rhinestones that
will add glitter & dazzle to all your festivities. Natural sparkle effects without the use of scripts (video card and client software dependent).
We've included a menu driven, deleteable resize script to make minor adjustments for different mesh feet. We've also included an extra
shoe with walk replacement and sound, just for fun. Available in 14 colors. Shoe base included with purchase. Matching Clutch available separately.
For Slink AE High - Belleza - Maitreya
These classically styled stilettos are non-rigged mesh, hand made with the finest materials, shimmery black finish with rhinestones that
will add glitter & dazzle to all your festivities. Natural sparkle effects without the use of scripts (video card and client software dependent).
We've included a menu driven, deletable resize script to make minor adjustments for different mesh feet. Available in 7 colors. Shoe base
included with purchase.
ღ ♡ Severus Gothic Mens Suit ♡ ღ
Slink Mens Physique - Aesthetics Mesh - Classic Avatars
Set includes the 5 standard sizes, and alpha mask included for classic avatars. Tested on the above named mesh avatars. Materials enabled, (Client settings and video card dependent) Eleven colors to choose from.
ღ ♡ Gothie Girl Dress ♡ ღ
Slink Physique - Classic Avatars
Velveteen with a shimmering lace overlay. Set includes the 5 standard sizes, and alpha masks included for classic avatars. Materials enabled,
(Client settings and video card dependent). Available in eight different colors. Matching shoes available separately. Has been tested on
the above mentioned avatars. Demo available to try on others.
ღ ♡ Gothie Girl Heels ♡ ღ
For Slink AE High - Belleza - Maitreya
These themed heels are non-rigged mesh, hand made with the finest materials, velvet with a shimmery black lace overlay. Dark metal
hardware featuring chains and skulls. Natural sparkle effects without the use of scripts (video card and client software dependent). We've included a menu driven, deleteable resize script to make minor adjustments for different mesh feet. Available in 7 colors. Shoe base included with purchase. Matching halter dress available separately.
ღ ♡ Showstopper Heels ♡ ღ
For Slink AE High - Belleza - Maitreya
Showstopper Heels are non-rigged mesh, hand made with the finest materials, metallic leather with sequins. Natural sparkle effects without the use of scripts (video card and client software dependent). We've included a menu driven, deleteable resize script to make minor adjustments for different mesh feet. Available in 12 colors. Shoe base included with purchase. Want something a little less girly?
A spiked version is also available.
ღ ♡ Showstopper Spiked Heels♡ ღ
For Slink AE High - Belleza - Maitreya
Showstopper Heels are non-rigged mesh, hand made with the finest materials, metallic leather with sequins and black metal spikes. Natural
sparkle effects without the use of scripts (video card and client software dependent). We've included a menu driven, deleteable resize script to make minor adjustments for different mesh feet. Available in 12 colors. Shoe base included with purchase.
Non-Spiked version also available.